Display has changed to black and white on windows 10? or Fix Blank Screen After Changing Computer Display Settings I had a thought and it is a fat finger error but that's crazy because it's easy to make this mistake. ctrl + windows key + c Windows 10 has a feature to...
PuTTy is the most popular SSH clients for Windows-based systems. It’s very small is size and easy use. Most of people in Linux world prefer to use putty. But they are aware that there are many tools available to provides many features which putty doesn’t have. I have used...
In Windows 10, it is desirable to attach the Hibernate option to the power button menu inside the Start menu. Using that option, we can fast use hibernation instead of the shutdown. We will have both option hibernation and shutdown. Add Hibernate to the Start Menu in Windows 10 If your...
Need to figure out how to edit the Hosts file in Windows Server? For the most part, it’s pretty much the same as Windows XP and Vista, but with a few extra hiccups!
Sharing 2 monitors between 2 computers in different configurations Windows 10